Fiverr Backlinks: Are They Worth It?
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If you are looking to grow your business, you've likely explored what it takes to build your online presence. Part of having a successful web platform includes ongoing SEO maintenance and adjustments to ensure you're appealing to search engines regularly.
One of the largest factors of appealing to search engines, such as Google, is having a strong backlink profile. This means having high quality backlinks from other websites pointing to yours.
The process for acquiring backlinks is quite significant, so many business owners and marketing directors often consider the fastest and most effective way to obtain these helpful backlinks. One such way is to use a website like Fiverr to quickly and effectively build up a backlink profile.
What is Fiverr?
If you've never heard of, prepare to be amazed. Founded in 2019, Fiverr is a website that provides users access to business and professional services provided by freelancers (aka individuals with the skillset and knowledge to provide a service). It is one of the most popular freelance marketplaces and websites for online outsourcing in the world.
Instead of going through an often times large specialist company with complicated processes and high rates, Fiverr houses a platform for freelancers to market their services at an affordable price.
Fiverr offers different types of digital marketing and other broad technology services for people needing a (typically) quick and affordable solution. Thousands of business owners each month hire freelancers from Fiverr to complete digital work they need for their business.
There are now thousands of different types of specialized "gigs" offered on Fiverr, making it a more credible site and option for digital marketers than anywhere else to date.
Lastly, while Fiverr has been involved in questionable cases, it does provide access to digital marketing services and individuals you can trust. You just have to know how to evaluate the various offers available for your desired service.
How Does Fiverr Work?

Fiverr is a unique platform, but one designed to work in your favor. As a buyer, you can purchase "gigs" that are created by sellers. These gigs are digital services that can be completed in various locations (such as Wordpress, Mailchimp, Google docs, graphic design and video production tools, etc.), depending on the specific service.
Uniquely, transactions are handled between buyers and sellers on Fiverr so as to protect both the buyer and seller. Additionally, reviews and feedback are given to ensure transparency and accuracy for services exists.
It is highly recommended that when viewing different gig options that you vet the seller thoroughly. Read the reviews on them, ask questions if necessary, and look for specific language and information related to your desired service listed in their offering. By properly vetting the seller, you can avoid potential issues.
Types of Services Offered on Fiverr

There are countless services offered on Fiverr and many new services added regularly.
The main professional services provided help with the following business needs:
- Email marketing - Email campaigns designed to market a specific product, promotion, or business.
- Content marketing - Generating leads, driving website traffic, and building brand awareness through content creation.
- Web analytics - Assessing and reporting data for a website, campaign, or social media channel.
- Video design - Design of video footage for a specific purpose.
- Software development - Development of software to enhance a user experience, business objective, or other purpose.
- SEO - SEO services for a website, including site audits, technical SEO, keyword research, and content creation. (SEO stands for search engine optimization.)
- Design - Website building, graphic design, and logos.
- Backlinks - Obtaining backlinks from other websites to a specific site.
Do Fiverr Backlinks Work?

As mentioned in the beginning, if you want your business to grow and get more exposure, building your backlink profile is a necessary step to appealing to search engine results pages. Buying Fiverr backlinks is one way to quickly build you backlink profile without needing to hire an SEO agency.
The question of effectiveness comes into play when evaluating whether or not buying backlinks from Fiverr is the right step for you and your business goals. Is buying links from Fiverr gigs going to be worth it? Will it boost SEO for your website? Will it yield high quality links or spam links? These questions, and more, are valid to consider.
In short, "When done correctly, Fiverr backlinks can absolutely help your SEO efforts. But if you’re not careful, you could end up doing more harm than good." Source
The success of buying Fiverr backlinks comes down to:
1. Quality of the backlinks
Unfortunately, acquiring backlinks can be done poorly and cheap services will often yield poor links versus high quality. However, if you do your due diligence by vetting your Fiverr seller, you will ideally be able to get what you pay for and obtain high quality backlinks that the seller worked diligently to get. Remember that quality is better than quantity when it comes to backlinks. Make sure to discuss this with your seller thoroughly before proceeding.
2. The niche of your website
Every website can obtain backlinks with some effort, but it largely depends on your niche for achieving a high quantity and quickly. A niche that is general, trending, and well-understood will more easily acquire backlinks. A more specific, targeted, or unknown niche requires substantial effort due to the nature of other sites wanting to link to it. Discuss with the seller your website niche and be open to their suggestions. Since they are offering this service, they likely have connections to a large database of websites that could fit your niche.
3. Overall SEO strategy you are using
Your SEO efforts are not doomed if you're looking to buy Fiverr backlinks. However, your overall strategy for SEO has to also be in place if you're looking to see effectiveness from buying said backlinks. You will likely not see more traffic, sales, or increased brand exposure related to your rankings simply from increased backlinks alone. Other SEO efforts should be implemented in order to see a true return on your investment.
Negative Outcomes of Using Fiverr Backlinks

It should come at no surprise that there is a risk to buying backlinks on Fiverr. Despite it being a reputable source for digital marketing services, there is no guarantee that all Fiverr sellers and Fiverr gigs will work for your business.
The main negative outcomes of using Fiverr and purchasing backlinks are:
1. Spammy links
Your seller may resource spammy links to build your backlink profile, resulting in poor quality links, which Google penalizes. Spammy links are often full of pop ups, ads, and out-of-context links which result in a poor user experience. Your website's link profile should be made up of the highest quality links whenever possible.
2. No follow links
Hyperlinks on a website come with settings that can be customized. The two main settings are "Do Follow" and "No Follow", which are reported exactly as they describe. A "do follow" link will be followed by Google from a website when it is crawled. A "no follow" link will end at that location, telling Google not to access the link's pointed location. A no follow link to your website will do your backlink profile no good as Google will not recognize it as a link since the link setting is set to stop it from there. If in using Fiverr backlinks, the links acquired are "no follow", it is essentially a waste to your effort.
3. Expensive or a waste of money
Because of the nature of the project and the risk involved, it must be noted that it could be a waste of money if the Fiverr gig does not pan out as desired. You must evaluate if it would be safer and more affordable in the long run to pursue acquiring backlinks in house or individually in order to ensure it is done correctly.
Positive Outcomes of Using Fiverr Backlinks

Hopefully, you haven't lost hope in using Fiverr to purchase backlinks because it could be a positive experience overall. It could result in:
1. Improved rankings
The obtained backlinks could boost your SEO on your site and lead to improved rankings. Improved rankings would equate to more site traffic, potentially more sales, and even being featured on Google's featured section, another website, social media channel, etc.
2. Higher domain rating
When you backlink profile improves, you likely will see your domain rating go up. This is because Google is validating the credibility of your site and believes it to be stronger since more sites are linking to it. The higher your domain rating, the more likely other sites are to link to you, further building your backlink profile organically.
3. Featured content
With a stronger, more credible website, the chances of being featured in various digital mediums is higher. Featured content is more often seen, viewed, and shared, resulting in, again, more exposure, traffic, and views. By obtaining high authority backlinks from a Fiverr gig, you could see a return on your investment ten fold.
4. Positive buyer & seller relationship
If you buy backlinks from a Fiverr seller and you are both happy with the results and your experience, you have just acquired a new resource to add to your tool belt. Should you have the need for more digital marketing services, both growing backlinks or others projects, you know who to go to first on Fiverr.
Benefits of Using Fiverr for SEO

While there are many SEO tools out there, Fiverr is quickly becoming one of the biggest for business and website owners for many reasons.
For starters, Fiverr has an easy to use interface to find what you are looking for. It doesn't require you sifting through endless listings or offerings that don't have what you need. Fiverr is well organized and search friendly, resulting in specific results for the exact service you need. If you're ever unsure of what you need exactly, you can always chat with a customer service specialist who can help narrow down your search or help you find a quality seller.
Secondly, there is a high variety of SEO services on Fiverr and each are designed to save you time and money. SEO is complex and ever-changing, therefore the standard business owner doesn't have time to keep up on all SEO best practices. Using Fiverr as a resource for various SEO projects is a great choice when your efforts need to be spent elsewhere.
Third, Fiverr can be affordable, depending on what you're looking for and your current resources. If you do NOT have an in-house SEO specialist, team, or the knowledge to complete SEO projects, Fiverr will save you the time and money you would spend on hiring someone, learning the ropes of the project, and implementation.
Lastly, Fiverr comes with a quality customer service team that can help answer your questions and guide you to finding the perfect gig for what you need. Fiverr wants to see you succeed and can help you find the person or persons that have the skills to complete the project you need.
Final Advice on Using Fiverr for Backlinks
You came here looking for advice on using Fiverr for purchasing backlinks to grow your website's ranking, obtain more visitors, etc. Our advice can be summarized in these three steps:
Step 1
Have a solid understanding of SEO best practices. This will help you tremendously when vetting Fiverr sellers and searching for the exact services you need assistance with. You don't have to know every detail or process to complete a project, but know enough to discuss with the seller your goals, the means to obtain your goals, and how to measure them. By understanding SEO best practices, specifically of link building, you will be significantly well off when navigating Fiverr opportunities.
Step 2
Do your research. When viewing gigs on Fiverr, read the reviews left for the seller. Make sure other people have had a positive experience and provide a good picture of how your interaction with them may go. Read your seller's profile and become familiar with all of their skills. When in doubt on any of their listed abilities, ask them to explain further so it's crystal clear. Don't make too quick of a decision on a seller just because you need a project done quickly. Thoroughly vet them so you will have the best possible outcome.
Step 3
If it seems too good to be true, it's probably a scam. While we wish every Fiverr seller was honest, trustworthy, and transparent, that's not always the case. If they are promising hundreds of thousands of backlinks with a rapid turnaround, consider the likelihood of this (unlikely this is possible). Weigh their offer against any others for consistency and refer to step 2 for a full understanding of the seller.
When looking for link building services, Searchant will provide you the best possible experience each and every time. Schedule a one-on-one call today to learn more.